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Dr. Charles Norris Jr, MD
BOARD CERTIFIED PSYCHIATRISTWith over 40 years of experience as a board-certified psychiatrist and one of 12 doctors at Boca Regional Hospital and Delray Medical Center who specialize in psychiatry, Dr. Charles Norris brings a wealth of knowledge in addiction psychiatry, general psychiatry, and neurology to team RECO. After receiving his medical degree from The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont in 1975, he started his practice in Boca Raton, FL where he won multiple awards including the Compassionate Doctor Recognition Award (2012-2018) and The Patient’s Choice Award (5-year Honoree). Now as the Head Psychiatrist for Team RECO and armed with the facts that addiction rarely comes as a solo diagnosis, he regularly meets with our clinical and medical staff developing patient care. Dr. Norris also meets with our clients one on one using his extensive background to help them facilitate the transformation necessary to heal.