More about me

Carol Scerbo, LMHC
PRIMARY THERAPISTSpecializing in addiction, eating disorders, and trauma, Carol is a qualified, considerate ally in the field of mental health. In her role as a Primary Therapist, she aids clients in reclaiming the most precious parts of their inner selves, which can often be lost within the haze of shock and suffering. A Licensed Mental Health Counselor, she flourishes in guiding those who have been sidelined by the pain of addiction, and aims to create a space in which they can heal and imagine themselves not as victims, but as survivors. Through leading a weekly female group, meeting individually with clients, and following up with client family members, she recognizes the importance of continuity of care and therapeutic restoration, and is a motivated participant in her clients’ progress. Aside from her role at RECO, Carol adores spending time with her family, and is grateful for the impactful compassion they have instilled in her.