2018 Is Your Year to Achieve Sobriety

Addiction doesn’t disappear by magic. You can’t cure it with a snap of the fingers. Recovery takes time—months, years, even decades. It demands hard work, perseverance, and professional assistance. Yet it is possible. Freedom is within reach. The question is, how? What can you do to overcome the disease of addiction? Where do you look for help? To whom do you turn?
The answers depend on you—the nature of your condition, your specific needs, and your unique personal history. For those who struggle with serious addiction, a sober living facility offers the best hope for long-term recovery. For others, outpatient care is sufficient. So, how do you decide, and where do you start?
First things first. Addicts and their families must identify the problem, recognize the need for outside help, and appreciate the importance of drug treatment programs. Finally, they must understand the different types of recovery programs so they can choose the right one for them.
The Lies We Tell and the Damage They Do
“I can get sober whenever I want. It’s no big deal. I only use when I feel like it. I’m still in good health. There’s plenty of time. There’s no real danger. All my friends use, and they’re doing fine.”
We tell ourselves lies to get through the day. Those little fibs help us get up in the morning. They push the pain and fear away to the far recesses of our minds. Some days, we may even believe them. All too often, our friends egg us on. They, too, deny the nature of their problem. They, too, need reassurance.
If you’re serious about sobriety, you’ll need to break through the smokescreen of lies and embrace the truth. You’ll also need to identify your enablers—those who encourage your substance abuse problem instead of helping you overcome it. Their justifications may soothe your conscience for a while, but, over the long run, they hold you back from reaching your full potential.
Why Sobriety? Why This Year?
Over 2 million people struggle with opioid abuse, and nearly 16 million live with alcohol abuse disorder. That’s over 21 million people who suffer from some form of substance use disorder—or almost 8 percent of the population. Only a fraction of those people seek treatment, and that has serious consequences for individuals, families, and communities.
Every year, tens of thousands of Americans lose their lives to drug overdoses—over 63,000 in 2016 alone. That’s more people than die from breast cancer or from car accidents—and that figure doesn’t include the number who have died as a result of long-term, drug-related illnesses such as heart disease or liver damage. The problem is so severe and so widespread that it has shortened the life expectancy of Americans for the first time in nearly three decades.
Of course, the statistics don’t say anything about the individuals who lost their lives to drugs and alcohol. They only give the “macro” picture. Each one of those people had families, friends, and dreams, but their lives were cut short by drug addiction—a disease that could have been managed with the proper treatment.
That raises another question: What is the proper treatment?
Don’t DIY the Recovery Process
Some people think they can do it alone. Perhaps they underestimate the challenge or overestimate their own strength. If only sobriety could be achieved through willpower alone. If it could, there would be no need for treatment facilities. The mortality rate would not be skyrocketing. After all, who wants to be chained to alcohol or drugs?
The truth is that addiction is a disease, not a weakness or “inclination.” As such, it requires treatment. That implies a level of professional healthcare that can’t be achieved through a do-it-yourself approach.
Indeed, experts have long stressed the importance of rehabilitation therapy for improving long-term addiction recovery outcomes. Only dedicated rehab centers have the tools and resources people need to overcome their addiction. That includes trained counselors, certified psychiatrists, and safe living environments.
How to Get Sober and Stay Sober
The recovery process must start somewhere. Follow these initial steps to lay the groundwork that will someday lead to a full recovery:
- Step #1: Identify the Problem
In order to get help, you must first recognize that you have a problem. The signs of addiction include cravings, an inability to control drug use, physical dependence that gives rise to withdrawal symptoms, and a tolerance to the drug. Friends and family may notice that the person neglects their personal responsibilities, fails to maintain proper hygiene, and lies about or covers up their addiction.
- Step #2: Make a Resolution
Once you know the problem, you can commit yourself to overcoming it. It won’t happen overnight, but you must make the decision to quit first, before taking any concrete steps. That firm resolution forms the basis of your recovery efforts. Now it’s time to set goals—the more realistic, the better. Those goals will guide you through the difficult days ahead. Unless you know where you’re headed, you won’t know how to get there.
- Step #3: Research Your Options
Now it’s time to get to work and delve into the details. There are a number of points you should consider. How long have you been using drugs or alcohol? What type of substance(s) do you use on a regular basis? Do you suffer from withdrawal symptoms? How severe are they? Have you sought treatment before? Can you take time off to enter an inpatient rehab facility, or will you need to seek treatment on an outpatient basis? Do you suffer from any other mental conditions that might complicate the recovery process? Your answers to these questions will help you determine the type of treatment you need.
- Step #4: Contact a Treatment Facility
Armed with research and a well-defined goal, you can reach out to treatment centers. Contact facilities in your area and ask them about their treatment programs. If you live in South Florida, call RECO Institute at 844.900.RECO to learn about our Delray sober living facilities. If you think outpatient treatment is a better option for you, then consider RECO Intensive, our comprehensive outpatient treatment program.
How Sober Living Can Help
Outpatient counseling can help some people manage their addiction, but, for most, it’s not enough, at least at the outset. Even short-term inpatient care may not be sufficient for those who suffer from serious or long-term addiction problems. A short stay in a rehab center offers a drying-out period during which someone can overcome withdrawal symptoms, but it doesn’t necessarily set the foundations for a lifetime of sobriety.
That requires more comprehensive treatment. In some cases, recovering addicts may need to enter a sober living facility, which offers long-term care in the form of behavioral therapy, psychiatric treatment, holistic excursions, and life training.
In general, such intensive care improves addiction recovery statistics. Isolated from the temptations of the outside world, surrounded by fellow seekers and trained counselors, addicts can begin to lay the foundations for a new life—a life free from the burden of alcohol and drug abuse.
Sober Living in Delray Beach
Around the country, rehab centers are working hard to combat the current epidemic of drug abuse, providing hope to millions of people and their families. RECO Institute’s residential treatment programs in South Florida offer just such a solution. We offer both men’s sober living homes and women’s sober living in Delray Beach.
When you join our community, you get access to the best long-term care and the most comprehensive, evidence-based treatment. You also agree to abide by our house rules. Before entering, you pledge:
- Not to use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
- To attend community meetings
- Not to perform sex or sexual acts
- To maintain the curfews
- To undergo random drug testing
- To tidy and clean your house
- To have a sponsor
- To attend group sessions and individual counseling
Living in a structured environment establishes good habits that will help you maintain your equilibrium for the rest of your life. Combined with proven treatment methods, it’s the surest road to long-term sobriety—and that’s the purpose of rehabilitation centers like RECO Institute—to help you take back control of your life, to become independent once again. After all, recovery is not a sprint. It’s a marathon that lasts a lifetime.
Where to Turn for Help
Do you struggle with substance abuse problems? Do you hate seeing a family member fall prey to the disease of addiction? Do you want to do something about it? Are you ready to turn the page?
Contact RECO Institute to learn more about our sober living facility in Delray Beach, Florida. We can help you lay the foundations for a sober future.
- https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUH-DetTabs-2016/NSDUH-DetTabs-2016.htm#tab5-1A
- https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db294.pdf
- https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/21/health/drug-overdoses-2016-final-numbers/index.html
- http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/t/general-statistics/fatalityfacts/state-by-state-overview
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/us-life-expectancy-declines-for-the-first-time-since-1993/2016/12/07/7dcdc7b4-bc93-11e6-91ee-1adddfe36cbe_story.html?utm_term=.ed69207e2862